Dear visitor, important notice. Please bookmark, and subscribe your email, because this website may change address suddenly due to government issue. With your email, we can inform you if we change. And you will keep able to watching free ^^)~. And you need to know, some new HD video file (blue ray, 2K, 4K) cannot be played or will have no sound in old/low spec mobile/laptop. Internet speed connection also important. We already provide you the movie video for FREE. It's your turn to provide yourself with better internet connection and better hardware to watch. Example recommend spec for PC, use minimum 16Gb of RAM, Core i5, 2Gb VGA Card, 10Gb disk free space for the Google Chrome browser to run smoothly, and minimum 50Mbps for your internet connection speed. You will be able to enjoy watching movie online without problem with this kind of specifications of hardware for now.